Fairybank Pigs
Welcome to Pleasant View
The Pembrokeshire home of the Fairybank Herd of registered Tamworth and Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs.
Are you looking for registered Tamworth pigs ? If so you have come to the right place! Tamworths are on the RBST endangered list so we are passionate about conserving these iconic , beautiful pigs.
For sale all year round –weaners and young breeding stock.
Rare breed
We have been breeding Tamworths since 2008. Numbers are dropping and we are passionate about conserving this wonderful native breed.
At the moment we have three Tamworth boars , a Golden Ball , a Golden Ranger boar and a Dreamboy. We have three sow lines - Melody, Roseleaf and Rita sows.
Tamworth boars are sometimes available for hire
Available upon request. Please visit the contact page.